Some people still believe that a Lingam massage is just a fancy name for a happy ending type massage.
In fact, nothing could be further from the truth, even though at first glance they might seem very similar.
So what is the difference, and why should you try a massage for the Lingam instead of just an ordinary massage with a happy ending?
What Is A Lingam Massage?
Put simply, Lingam Massage is a tantric, erotic massage that focuses on the Lingam – ‘Lingam’ is the Sanskrit word for penis – the phallus, or ‘Pillar of Light’ to give it the literal translation.
The Lingam is celebrated in Hinduism as a symbol of the God Shiva, whose penis caused destruction wherever it went.
Shiva agreed to bring it back under control and halt the devastation, on the condition that everyone would worship it. Now, there are phallic statues, called Shivlings or Shiva Lingams, in temples to Shiva all over the world!
Accordingly, the Lingam massage is a pure celebration of the penis. It is designed not only to give pleasure but to use Tantric techniques to help the recipient to harness his sexual energy, allowing him to increase his control over his Lingam – just like the God Shiva.
This will help to improve your sexual performance as well as increase your confidence in all areas of your life – not just in the bedroom. This type of massage allows the free flow of sexual energy, which can often become ‘stuck’.
How Does Lingam Massage Work?
Like all tantric massage, the aim is to build up large amounts of sexual energy over time and sustain it, while releasing stress and tension.
Your masseuse achieves this by using her whole body to massage every inch of yours, paying special attention to the erogenous zones.
She will vary her touch from light to firm, creating a wide range of different sensations for the client.
The variety of strokes that she uses is designed to give the massage an unpredictable feel so that the client has no idea what is coming next.
The best way to enjoy this type of massage is not to worry too much about trying to anticipate – just lie back and experience each new sensation as it happens. All you need to do is breathe and try to be fully present in the moment.
This also means clearing your mind and not letting everyday concerns and worries creep in.
This is why during Lingam massage – as with most types of massage – it is best to focus on your breathing, making sure it is slow and deep.
It gives the mind something to concentrate on, while the body is allowed to simply feel the masseuse moving rhythmically with each stroke.
You should allow yourself to become fully relaxed as the massage progresses, as this is the best way to maximise its benefits.
Your sexual energy will ebb and flow over the course of the massage – this is natural and expected.
Your masseuse will skilfully bring you close to ejaculation a number of times, and then allow the penis to soften a little before building back up.
You should not anticipate or try to ejaculate, but trust in the expertise of your masseuse and allow her practised touch to work its magic. In this way, you can experience the full benefits of the Lingam massage.
The purpose of lingam massage is to give pleasure. Orgasm is natural and does sometimes occur during a Lingam Massage but the aim of it is not to promote orgasm.
However, to get the most out of your experience you should unashamedly listen to your body and allow it to respond to the tantric touch as it requires.
Fans of Lingam Massage are the first to extol its virtues, having personal experience of the immense joy and peace it can bring to a recipient. But having a tantric massage that focuses primarily on your genital area can be a daunting prospect if you’ve not tried it before.
What Are The Benefits Of Lingam Massage?
The health and psychological benefits of a Lingam massage are numerous.
You can expect to feel much more relaxed both during and after this type of massage, but that is only the start.
Firstly, the sensual and erotic nature of a Lingam Massage means it can be a fantastic way to release tension and stress.
The experience begins with a full body massage so you can relax, unwind and surrender yourself to the touch of your tantric goddess, who will ensure your entire body is given plenty of attention before her efforts turn to the phallus.
Your skin is the largest organ of the human body. Giving it so much attention and thoughtful caresses can improve circulation, lower blood pressure and soothe any muscle aches and pains.
If you suffer from insomnia or anxiety, a Lingam Massage can give you the opportunity to find peace and serenity, clear your mind and get better rest.
As well as encouraging improved wellbeing, lingam massage can bring a number of sexual benefits too. It can prolong an erection, enhance sexual performance and help in the improvement of premature ejaculation.
During a Lingam Massage, your tantric masseuse will stimulate the genitals over and over again without overloading your senses and therefore increasing your stamina for pleasurable touch. She will use erogenous zones to bring crashing waves of pleasure but because your therapist is in control, your climax is in control too, as she guides your body through the experience.
Having improved ejaculatory control is a real confidence boost – and is likely to impress your sexual partner too!
The massage can also lead to improved body confidence because you are totally nude throughout. Baring all to a stranger can be hugely liberating and really make a difference to self-esteem. You’ll never shy away from disrobing in the same way again.
Lingam Massage has also been known to aid in genital muscle toning and the treatment of anorgasmia – the inability to orgasm despite stimulation. Other recipients have reported it to be useful in improving libido, helping with fertility problems and tackling emotional trauma.
Lingam massage could be the answer to many of your prayers – or simply a delightful way to spend an hour or two.
Either way, you should give it a go!
What’s The Difference Between A Lingam Massage & A Happy Ending Massage?
Simply searching for a happy ending massage might get you any number of results, but all of them will merely reinforce your conditioned response to a sexual stimulus which is to become very goal-oriented.
Today’s society separates us from our sexual selves and identities, so this kind of response is normal, but there is another way.
Reconnecting with our sexual selves doesn’t just benefit us in the bedroom.
The energies that your masseuse can help you harness can be taken forward into your everyday life, giving you greater confidence, awareness, and more restful sleep, as well as better and more fulfilling sex, and fuller, deeper orgasms.
A simple happy ending might be pleasurable in the instant it occurs, but it can never help you truly take hold of your own sexual power.
It is a style of Tantric massage, with a primary focus on the Lingam. Tantric massage is much slower and more measured than other types of massage, including the crudely named but accurate rub-and-tug.
In Lingam and tantric massage, you are encouraged to let go of any kind of goal and simply allow yourself to passively experience every moment of the massage as it arises.
You can aid this by concentrating on your breathing and surrendering control of your body to your masseuse. This will help you to relax, and focus your attention away from ejaculation as a goal.
One of the many benefits of this kind of massage is that it can help you take control of your own ejaculatory power.
Your masseuse will bring you close to climax several times; she does this in order to build up your sexual energy. Life in modern society tend to cause energies like this to get ‘stuck’, and they must be released before they can be harnessed and used to their greatest effect.
When she begins to massage your Lingam directly, you will find yourself on the edge of orgasm only to have your masseuse slow her movements and allow you to calm before gradually heightening your energy again.
Acknowledge the sensations and allow yourself to fully experience each one without anticipating what is to come.
Many men who suffer from such afflictions as erectile dysfunction or premature ejaculation can benefit greatly from this type of massage.
Putting too much emphasis on achieving orgasm – the ‘goal’ – can lead to anxiety, which can, in turn, lead to frustration, blame, and fear. An undesired result, whether that is a loss of erection or achieving orgasm too soon, can cause increased anxiety the next time leading to a self-fulfilling prophecy.
This kind of massage seeks to help these men break that vicious cycle by encouraging them to shift their focus to the present rather than some anticipated future. This helps them to free themselves from the burden of expectation – both their own and that of any partners.
That said, many men do still experience ejaculation and orgasm during these massages. Thanks to the energies your masseuse has helped you to build up, if you do experience orgasm it will be one of the most powerful and satisfying you’ve ever had.
You may find yourself unable to speak or move for quite a while afterwards; this is normal, so enjoy it. Once you’ve experienced an orgasm this intense, you will never search for a ‘happy ending’ again.
How Do I Book A Lingam Massage?
Just give us a call on +44 (0) 20 3504 6454 or +44 (0) 7957 699931, between 11 am and midnight or click the button at the top of the page.
Our girls are waiting for your call – they can’t wait to come and see you to give you the most exciting, tantalising experience you’ve ever had.
Give yourself the gift of a Lingam massage – you won’t regret it, and you will almost certainly be back for more!